Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Say Goodbye to Spiders With Ecopest Spider Control Treatment

Have you ever experienced the shock of walking into a spider web? If you are resident of Edmonton, Alberta, then you must had a chance of experiencing this scenario. 

These insects are actually beneficial as they prey on other flying insects & help in controlling pests, but their presence can be disturbing, especially for those with family & children. 

If you want to keep your family free from spiders then here are some prevention & detection tips:

  • Do regular cleaning & decluttering
  • Inspect unused areas
  • Keep a check on other pests
  • Deterrent sprays

Read more about spider control treatment in detail here!

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Bed Bug Treatment In Edmonton

Bed bugs are big problem in Edmonton. Not only residential areas are affected by it, but hotels, offices, libraries and almost all the areas of the city are facing this problem.
Here, in this blog you will learn why bed bugs tend to thrive in Edmonton and how you can prevent them from entering your place. 

Why Are They Prevalent In Edmonton?

Edmonton is home to many temporary workers who are often out of town for long period of time. This allows bugs to hitch a ride “home” & settle in an undisturbed when the residents departs once again.

How To Prevent Them & Their Eggs?

  • If you are going to stay in a hotel, hostel or worksite residence, do a quick check around the bed for the sign of their presence.
  • Be sure to wash your clothing on a hot setting or get your luggage properly treated by professional Pest Management Company.
  • Don’t forget to make use of luggage racks to raise your suitcase off the ground.

Read more from the Original Source here: Bed Bug Treatment Edmonton