Friday, 30 December 2016

Ways To Detect Pests & Ideas for Bed Bug Treatment or Removal

Bed bugs are very small creepy insects which suck blood of human as well animals. They are totally dependent on blood & thus are attracted to any living body with having blood. If you are fed up of infestation, then follow the below ideas to find & get bed bugs removed from your home:

  • Look for bed bugs signs; the more accurate way to find bugs is to identify their physical signs. Look for rusty/reddish stains on bed sheets which may be caused by bed bugs that are being crushed.
  • Look for bed bugs on the mattress as well.
  • Look for eggs or egg shells which are very tiny in size.
  • Look for live or running bed bug by naked eye.
  • Use canine (k9) bed bugs inspection, which is widely used by many pest control company in Edmonton.

By following the above ideas, one can find them easily & should contact a professional pest controller to get rid of them at the very first sign of their identification. Contact Ecopest Inc. for bed bug treatment Edmonton. Call: 780-448-2661.