Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Pigeon Control Edmonton- Getting Rid of these Pests

If you are living in Edmonton, then you must have known that these cities are always on high demand when it comes to pests. You must have noticed the pigeons in the backyard, on the roofs. Pigeons are a source of nuisance, infection and a health risk. Also their feces make the look of the building unlikable and lead to an expensive cleanup.  It is very difficult to get rid off pigeons without hiring pest control experts.

Thus it is necessary to follow the below mentioned tips for pigeon control in Edmonton-

  • It is recommended to make a necessary inspection first for any pigeon problem because every situation is different & thus requires a unique combination of methods.
  • Avicidal baiting, a technician will place out the baiting trays in a way across the site followed by a placement of baits to deter pigeons. It is generally placed around the areas where pigeons are mostly found.
  • It requires an initial placement of pigeon traps for the trapping service which is followed by regular service. A technician monitors the trap during each visit & thus picking up the pigeons caught in the trap, releasing off site.

If you need Pigeon Control Service, let us know and we will be glad to serve you. Call Ecopest Inc. at 780-448-2661 for effective treatment.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

How Spider Control Keep your Family Safe from them?

You might have experienced the spider web at your home or surrounding. If it is so, then it can be avoided with spider control in Edmonton. Actually, they are beneficial creatures in that they prey on flying insects & ultimately helps in controlling pests. But sometimes their presence can be disturbing for families & children included allergic people.

Prevention & detection tips for spiders

  • Regular cleaning & decluttering helps to avoid them entering your home. Clean the corners of your house after every 3-4 days or a week.
  • Inspect the unused areas at your home as pests seek shelter in these areas mostly.
  • Shift the content on frequent basis & make sure that you keep up a presence in the basement.
  • Use deterrent sprays or contact a professional pest control company which uses eco-friendly solutions that keeps your family safe from hazardous pesticides.
If you find yourself knocking down webs far too often, or you are noticing increased activity in your home, contact Ecopest Inc.