Monday 23 January 2017

Wasp Control Edmonton - Interesting Facts about Wasp

Wasps can be helpful in cleaning dead insects by consuming flies but they can be a nuisance too. Along with stinging, these can be irritating & can become a threat to allergic. If you find them around your home or property then it’s better to ask for services from wasp control in Edmonton. You might be aware of some of the common facts, but here are some interesting facts about wasp which you may not know:

• An ordinary sting of the wasp can be treated with deodorant which contains aluminum in it.
• The sting of a wasp, if not worn off within 24 hours then it can be fatal as its sting causes anaphylactic shock to many people.
• Wasp does not fly in a group.
• They feed their young meat e.g. insect larvae.
• In late summer, the colony produces males and new queens. The cold weather eventually kills the males & queens.
• They live in colonies which form self-contained communities.

 Now no worries!! If you saw wasp near surrounding area, then you should hire a professional pest control service provider in Edmonton. Get In Touch With Ecopest Inc @ 780-448-2661.