Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Safest Way For Wasp Control in Edmonton

Wasps are an annoyance and trouble to home residents. The process of removing Wasp can be risky and even deadly if things go wrong. The most important thing is to remove them through a safe way. According to CBC news in Ontario  “Fire crews were called to a home on Rockwood Avenue after a man poured gasoline on a nest and set it on fire, only to ignite his own home”.

Obviously, burning a nest is not a good idea!  Here are some tips which will help you to control wasp in Edmonton in a safe way.

Consider a Wasp control Professional in Edmonton

To control Wasp inEdmonton a pest control professional is the best choice and mainly safest idea if you are allergic to stings, or the nest is in a location where it is hard to reach, such as inside a wall or dormer or under a solid slab.
Do you know that stings can be serious, even deadly if stung multiple times, even if you are not allergic to the stings & you want to remove the nest on your own, you have to do it carefully.

Dress for the part
It is essential to wear protective clothing before going to remove wasp’s nest. You have to cover all open areas of the body by wearing long jeans, socks, and boots, a sweater with the hood pulled over your head and gloves and to protect your head and face, cover a scarf around your neck and mouth and wear ski goggles or protective glasses over your eyes.

Keep pets and children safe
If you want to use a pesticide spray or powder to kill Wasp, you have to make sure that the area stays clear of small kids and pets for at least 24 hours. If you find out dead Wasp on the ground near the nest it means products are very harmful and can be dangerous to your pets and children.

Timing of year and time of day is important
To destroy the nest you have to do this on perfect time like, in the spring, the nest is smaller and the wasps are less aggressive. If you do this during end of summer, at that time they are more aggressive as next year’s queens are being born.

If you are planning to remove nest yourself, the best timing is to do it at night or in the early morning. At this time the wasps are least effective and they are less aggressive. Yet, the best and safest idea is to look for a professional Wasp Controllerin Edmonton

Plan an escape route
Before you spray the nest, first clear your escape route, because they will quickly flow out of the nest while you spray. Immediately cover yourself after spraying the nest and wait at least 24 hours before going to observe the nest and also confirm if it is safe to remove.

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